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In a State

Monday, August 2, 2010

Growing up on the road always had its ups and downs. The biggest 'up' was all the amazing things I've seen in my short lifetime. I've spent time in 31 states and 7 countries. I didn't just study geography in school, I experienced it! The one 'down' to all of my childhood adventures was being cooped up in a van the majority of my Thursdays-Saturdays (and even some other days of the week).

Now that I look back on my experiences growing up, I realize that my some of fondest childhood memories were spent in that Forest Green Ford E-350 van. My middle sister, Larissa, and I would make believe all types of life situations and pretend to be living them. I remember playing with my numerous Polly Pockets from city to city. I loved singing along to the radio with Larissa;however, I didn't love when Rush Limbaugh was on... that meant no more singing. I also learned a lot of lessons in that van. Such as "Life isn't always fair" from the fact that my oldest sister, Bethany, ALWAYS had her own bench seat while Larissa and I had to share. I learned how to read a map and calculate travel distance (this also goes under fondest memories of mine). I learned to control my bladder like no body's business. Rule #1: No bathroom breaks! We only stop for food and gas.

We actually had several travel rules that my sisters and I were expected to follow.
The rule that was enforced the most was "Three questions you are not allowed to ask: 'Are we there yet?' 'How much longer?' and 'When are we stopping?'" Instead, we would learn to ask questions such as, "What state are we in?" or "Which mile marker are we at?" With these two questions we would pull out our trusty map and discover for ourselves the distance we had left to travel. As I grew older, I began to have less of a desire to know about our ETA, I just wanted to see where we were on our journey. I developed an appreciation of our adventures not for the destination, but for the journey.

The light bulb has just come on in your brain. "So, THAT'S what her blog title and subtitle is about!" Yes, in my spiritual life I'm back to being that small child again who has the desire to say, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How much longer?!?" God just gently whispers back "It's not about your destination, it is about your journey." Starting now, I am applying the same rule to my life that my parents applied to our travels. There are three questions I am not allowed to ask God: "Are we there yet?" "How much longer?" and "When are we stopping?" Instead, I am going to continually ask God "What state am I in?" I want for Him to show me where I am on my journey so that I can prepare for the next mile marker. If I'm not in constant check of what state I am in, I will end up completely lost, confused and worried. Oh wait, that is where I am now! Um... God... What state am I in????? Would you please navigate from here on out? Thanks :-)

"...for I have learned, whatever state I am, to be content." Phil. 4:11


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