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My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys

Monday, December 27, 2010

Well, as promised in my 3 a.m. blog, here is my post about my Dad, the Cowboy. Yes, I may joke with my dad about his cowboy ways, but I secretly love him for it. :-)

"Cowboy Toru" is the identity I grew up knowing my dad for. While there are many sides to my dad, without this aspect of his life he just wouldn't be the same; I wouldn't be the same. Even though I did not inherit the same love for the wild west (although John Wayne Westerns will forever be my favorite movie genre) that my dad has, my heroes will always be cowboys because my dad is my hero.

Because of my dad's great love for God and passion for the ministry, I grew up with a very different childhood. We were constantly on the road, I was homeschooled, I was 'working the family ministry' ever since I could mutter the word "Praise the Lord" and "Jesus", I can quote multiple "Davey and Goliath" movies, and anytime someone needs me to fill in for Sunday School or Children's Church I can whip out a creative children's bible story like no one's business. I actually remembered the other day how when I was around 3 my dad started calling me up on stage to say my bible verse (probably John 3:16) and then sing Jesus Loves Me. After I was done singing my dad would say, "Now Charlee, who do YOU love?" and my cute response would be, "Daddy!" Now, if anyone out there is questioning whether or not I have always been a quick whit, I do recall a few times when I'd catch my dad off guard and steal the stage even more. Sometimes I'd answer "Mommy!" ;-)

Anyways, back to my dad. A lot of people would think, "Aw, poor you. Don't you wish your dad had a normal job?" My answer is always a big fat NO! While there were times I was frustrated with feeling a lot less than normal, I have a lot to be grateful for the way my dad chose to raise his family. My dad didn't have a typical 9-5 job, so he was always around. When he worked, we worked along side with him. When it came to us girls, he always had our best interest in mind. He would go out of his way to find something enjoyable for us girls. Whether it be a fun rodeo, a visit to a Civil War Battlefield, or a baseball game. We didn't have much growing up, but dad made sure our childhood was full of a lot of fond memories.

I have come to realize over the years that I am my dad through and through. No, I may not spin ropes, shoot guns and wear a cowboy hat, but I have his same spirit. This can get me in trouble at times. We aren't the greatest socializers, we tend to be more realistic in life and yes, sometimes we can be grumps. But, we have a passion for adventure, we go for what we want in life and we enjoy spending time with the people we care about. I'm glad to be like my dad. I couldn't have picked a better person to share a personality with.

So daddy, I know you're reading this. Even though we argue and get frustrated with each other, just keep in mind that I am my daddy's daughter. And I love you. :-)


The Answer to the Question

Monday, December 20, 2010

Michaela Rose: Mommy, what did Jesus make?

Bethany (MR's Mom): He made the world. He made all the animals, the trees, the fish and he made you.
Michaela Rose: Mommy, how did Jesus make me?
Bethany: He created you and gave you to Mommy and Daddy to take care of you.
Michaela Rose: Mommy, how did Jesus give me to you and Daddy?
Bethany: Well... remember how baby Lettie was in Mommy's tummy, that's the same way Jesus gave you to Mommy and Daddy.
Michaela Rose: Mommy, how did I get in your belly?
Bethany: Well... Jesus put you there.
Michaela Rose: Mommy, how did I get out of your belly?
Bethany: Remember how Mommy went to the hospital to have Lettie? That's the same way we got you?
Michaela Rose: Mommy, what happens at the hospital?
Bethany: The Doctor comes and he helps get the baby from the Mommy's belly.
Michaela Rose: Mommy, how did I get out of your belly?
Bethany: Well...
Auntie Char: The doctor delivers the baby to Mommy and Daddy and then they take you home to take care of you.
Michaela Rose: Oh! Ok.

Oh, the enjoyable conversations one has with 3 1/2 year olds. :-)


The Bucket

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I was inspired by my dear friend Lindsay (aka Linja) to create my very own bucket list. Now is time for it to be shared with you all to ensure that I strive to carry this list out.

Bucket List of Charlee' Marshall

  1. Hike the entire Appalachian Trail
  2. Live in South Korea for at least a year
  3. Have an adventurous near death experience which will be featured on "I Shouldn't Be Alive"
  4. Go camping with Bear Grylls
  5. Backpack/ride the rails through Europe
  6. Ski and hike the Alps (since I missed my chance due to sickness on Europe tour)
  7. (build up the courage to) Hold a snake
  8. Raft down the Colorado River
  9. Live life as a hobo for an extended amount of time (this includes hoping a train)
  10. Get a tattoo
  11. Face my fear of water and go deep sea diving
There is more to this list, but for now these are the only life goals of mine that are coming to mind.


Things I'll Never Say

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's past 3 am and I have my last Wilhoit final ever in 7 hours. I can already tell this will be the most random and unorganized blog post by me to date.

The worst semester of my life is roughly 7 hours from being over... I am not as happy as I should be. I feel like I may have missed out on something big God was trying to teach me through this big struggle this semester and I was too busy being frustrated at Him to find out what it was. I did learn a lot in class, about myself, and about God though... maybe I did learn what He had in mind and it just is more subtle than usual.

I want to volunteer in a soup kitchen. I tell people my spiritual gift is servanthood, yet I'm practicing selfishness these days. I do nice things for those I know and love... but when was the last time I loved someone that I don't even know? Random fact: Rhea County just opened a homeless shelter last month. hmm...

God gave me the gift of music... when did my music become more important than God?

Most days I still feel like a Freshman. When will I realize that the real world is just one step away?

One of my close friends graduates in 15 hours. I wish I had spent more time with her. She is going to do an internship in Jordan from January to May. I wish I was her.

I just want to travel, serve people and pretend money doesn't exist. Is that too much to ask? I wish I wasn't a year and a half away from qualifying to be a Journeyman.

I still miss him, but yesterday I realized I am finally over it. Now I just miss the friendship. Although, without that friendship I've come to realize how many good guys there are in my life and how I failed to appreciate them all because of one guy.

I have nothing more to say, but I don't think he deserves to be the final topic of my random blog post so I'm racking my brain for what other random thoughts I have that I need to just put out there on the table.

All I can think of is how I am going to wake up in the morning and the rambling unorganized randomness of this blog post is going to bother me... I'll probably delete it. I do think this form of blogging is very freeing though.

I should dedicate my next blog to my Dad. We frustrate each other a lot, but we love each other more. That made me tear up a bit... it's definitely time for bed.

So much for an A.


A Christmas Carol

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scrooge the Musical!!! Opens in 2 days at Bryan College in Rudd Auditorium. Oh boy! Things are coming together... slowly. A lot of costumes still aren't finished and some things still need to be smoothed out, but we have one final rehearsal and I know the show is going to be great! Anyone close by should come (not that any of you reading this blog live close by. oh well. I tried). Oh yea, I'm in it. That is why I care about this play. I would much rather be in the audience though. I love watching our school productions!

Today I had a meeting with Jessi Trigger about ideas for post-graduation jobs. She pretty much does what I want to do after I graduate (organizes worship and chapel for the college) so I thought it'd be good to meet with her. It was actually very helpful. She asked me for my top 3 passions.
  1. Music
  2. Ministry
  3. Travel
Her first job idea was to work for OM Arts. Oh wait... I've already looked into that! Actually, it was very reassuring to know that something that I am interested in is what other people think that I would be good at/enjoy. Also, she gave me some contact information and a list of colleges that have similar Spiritual Formation programs and therefore would have similar jobs to hers. Now I feel like the broad scope of where to begin searching has been greatly narrowed down. PTL! She highly suggested two schools. One is in California and the other in Boston. I would gladly like to be involved in either of those locations (ok ok, let's get real. I'd rather be in Boston. GO RED SOX!)

One more week left of school. I should be writing a paper now (shocker!) but during rehearsal I was editing my blog layout (I think I finally found a layout that I like. This one is a keeper!) and so that made me want to write a new blog post. Next week is finals, but I don't have that many to take so that will be nice. Then I will be staying around at school for our Winter Graduation. I have so many friends graduating this semester it is ridiculous! It is crazy and emotional to think that people who entered with me as Freshmen are graduating and moving on with their lives. I thought college would never end... and here it is, drawing to a close. Crazier thought is exactly four years ago I was visiting Bryan for the first time. Now here I am, on the brink of leaving this place for good. Time flies!

A Christmas Carol



Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tonight my amazing roommate pulled off an fantastic banquet. Yes, it had it's ups and downs in the preparation, but all in all it turned out to be a great banquet. This banquet, a Christmas Masquerade, is a bitter/sweet time for the Senior class. It is our final banquet to throw for the school, a celebration of four years at Bryan that we get to share with everyone. I only just now realized that this is the last time I get to see my class cometogether and pull of something fun, elegant and enjoyable

Favorite part of the evening:
Going to see Harry Potter 7. Yes family, I am sad to break it to you but I am in fact a Harry Potter fan as of this semester. I have seen all 7 now and anxiously await Deathly Hollows part 2!

Least favorite part of the evening:
well, other than the awful way that the movie had to end, tying together a million balloons today was definitely my least favorite thing. Especially since I walked into the banquet to realize that the person who hung them ruined all but one balloon column that I made. rough!

Scariest part of the evening:
Seeing how people take what should be an elegant masquerade and ruin by dressing up like they are from Star Wars. Wow... Bryan College just has some strange people.

Happiest Part of the evening:
Realizing that despite the things I have been putting up with this semester, no matter how some friendships change, I have some great friends who make me happy in spite of it all. :-)



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here is another blog inspired by conversation from my History of Church Music Class.

Here is another blog written in the wee hours of the night as I am randomly inspired and avoiding a paper that is due tomorrow.
Here is another blog that is taking any inspired writing that should be put into my paper that is due.
So, what's new?

In History of CM yesterday, DW mentioned how surprised he was at the beautiful full harmony that filled the auditorium a week ago as our class closed out our thanksgiving ceremony by leading the congregation in an a cappella "Doxology". He marveled in astonishment at the fact that not only does our generation know that song well, but well enough to chime in with harmonic parts. I simply stated as if I was not surprised, "Well, of course. The Doxology is the one thing that no matter what denomination or worship style of the church, it will be sung." And then I realized, I grew up in the one denomination that probably sings this song the least, which is sad. But that isn't the point of my post. My point is a simple one that The Doxology helped me realize. No matter our worship style, whether Calvinist or Armenian, whether dipped, dunked or sprinkled, we can all join in on one common ground as a community of believers.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise HIM all creatures here below
Praise HIM above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

When this song is sung, denominational barriers fall. All that is left is the glory of our God. To me, that is just awesome. That is why I love being a part of a non-denominational school. I have learned to worship and serve along side of people who were all raised in different types of churches, with different ways of doing things and different ways of understanding the Bible. Yet, all that falls to the side as we come together as children of God. After four years, I started to neglect the awesomeness of that, until this short lesson from The Doxology brought me back to a new appreciation.


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